vendredi 26 janvier 2018

brighten dark skin

Starch mix to brighten dark skin

All you have to do is stick to the following

Bring half a lemon
Two tablespoons of starch


Peel the lemons in all areas affected by the fire, especially the armpits. Then distribute the starch to stick with the lemon and leave it for at least a quarter of an hour
You will notice that it is black, do not worry leave it to dry completely and then rub it and you will notice the result from the first use of the process until a whole week you will see the huge difference

 The starch contains many essential nutrients for the health of the body, and it is many calories, as the 100 grams of it contains a small amount of fat, and high carbohydrate, in addition to fiber and proteins, and minerals such as sodium and iron.
The benefits of starch for this face The most prominent benefits of starch for the face: get rid of excess oils in the skin absorbed, especially for the owners of oily skin, and this is done by putting it directly on the face powder makeup.
Cleanse the face and remove dead skin cells, by mixing a tablespoon of glycerol with a tablespoon of starch, and placing them on the skin.

Treat skin rash, itchy skin and soothe it; by its anti-inflammatory properties
Dispose of sunburn and skin irritation. This is done by mixing the starch and water well, put the mixture on the affected areas and leave for several minutes, then gently wash the area with lukewarm water.Use it in some make-up tricks, such as putting it on glossy lipstick until it becomes bland. This is done by raising the starch on the lips using the finger until it is absorbed.
Darkening and effectively lightening dark spots, because starch contains vitamin A, which helps
Maintain healthy skin by stimulating regeneration of cells by the minerals found in starch such as iron and calcium 

Minimize acne and skin pimples; because starch contains the necessary zinc to fight acne.
Enhance the health and hydration of the skin; thanks to the presence of vitamin B1 and B2 starch.
Improve the structure of the skin and reduce the wrinkles; so as to contain starch on vitamin C and antioxidants that fight free radicals harmful skin.

4 commentaires:

  1. Would you recommend this for the under eye darkness? I have hereditary dark circles and i'd love to try and naturally lighten them ?

    1. yes you can use water rose whith starch under eye do not use lemon ihope that help you dear

  2. I was going to ask the exact same question as Elizabeth. I love that this is a natural treatment, but can one use this under the eye?

    1. yes you can use water rose whith starch under eye do not use lemon ihope that help you dear


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