vendredi 12 janvier 2018

draa women's clothing

 draa women's clothing
Women wear malhfa, or izar. It is a light fabric five or six meters long which is entirely wrapped around the woman. It has no seams and is held at the chest by two large silver fibulae and tight at the waist with a silk belt. .

The khol to revive the look

The Draa's wife also wears a veil, the gnaâe that covers her head, a large part of the face and shoulders.To revive her eyes, the Draâ's wife uses mainly kohl. This product is prepared from pieces of antimony pounded in very fine powder. On the hands and feet, she applies a paste made of dried leaves of henna, pounded with salt and alum stone. The day after the application, the coloring becomes perfect
the swak draws a red line on the lip

The swak, walnut bark is chewed to strengthen the gums and revive their colors, with the swak is drawn a red line on the lower lip to enhance the complexion. The Draa's wife also uses hargous, black body dye or saffron rather reserved for festivals celebrated in qsar. She perfumes her hair with the khouad, henna mix, cloves and mostly sandalwood. .
The jewelry worn traditionally
Finally, she perfumes her body and clothes by crouching over a brazier in which she has thrown a mixture of incense, cloves, sandalwood and gum arabic. The jewels traditionally worn in the valley are mainly silver and coral, amber and stone.

Silver bracelets

Silver bracelets, heavy and thick that could sometimes serve as a defense are gradually abandoned by women, as the N'bala, non-closed bracelet worn by young women. The rings are always silver, they are worn by men when they are thicker. Finally necklaces, often made by women themselves and mounted from pieces of silver, semi-precious stones or coral and precious stones if they have the means. Their marital and social situation is understandable according to their bearing on them.

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